Fortunately July's heat has been relatively mild - we were out at the latest OCRC event last was very nice! Mildly hot, but completely bearable for July - in Irvine - with no air conditioning....

We were there with the number 72 car to test out the new 4-camera system! (it's soo cool!) Chris B came out to help us with the final installation and to make sure all the computer gizmos and hookups were working together. Thanks for all you hard work Chris!

Once things were hooked up, there were some computer checks....(looks like a group effort to look at the computer screen - like they knew what they were looking at...LOL)

Kelly C. was able to take some time during the day to help us get the video footage. He drove the car around for us, and gave us some good data and video! Thanks Kelly!

Sometime during the 1st time out, the car had a mechanical/electrical type of was an ignition coil of all things! Anyhoo, the guys tried to fix it at the track, but did not have all the parts, so Kelly just had to "drive around it" to finish the shake-down for the car. Good thing he's a professional!! LOL

Thanks to everyone for their help at the track on Saturday! You guys make all the difference!
Can't wait for the next OCRC event, hopefully they pick a cooler month!! HAHA
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