We were invited to a great Ladies' Nite of
Go-Karting at K1 Speed....
Hosted by The Media Barons!
They had a super group of instructors;
*Craig Stanton
*Nathan Swartzbaugh
*Kelly Collins
*Oriol Servia
*Duncan Ende

They had a great introduction video - think "men in hot pants meets beginner photo shop" It was VERY FUNNY! It's a good think all the instructors have a good sense of humor...HAHA Especially since they all had to wear
pink shirts - for the Ladies' *wink. wink*
The class was full at 30 students...all girls of course...and Craig Stanton was the "lead" instructor. He gave a very informative class session before the gals headed out to try their "skill" on the track.

After one session on the track - they divided the gals into 3 groups - everyone did a track walk. The instructors were great at helping the girls to visualize where they needed to be on the track to setup for each turn, etc.

After an informative track walk, it was time for round #2 on track with the go-karts! WOW, some of those gals were CRAZY! There were a few that had previous karting experience, and some that had never done it. One gal made an 8 second! yeah you read that right - 8 second improvement! Good for her!!

After a fun evening, there was a wrap up classroom session where the "most improved" got a VERY special gift basket....let's just say it was SUPER funny!! Some last photo-ops and a round of good byes ended the evening...

Can't wait 'till the next one...should be fun
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